Martiza Overseas Education




Career Counseling

Career development is a lifelong process that, whether you know it or not, actually started when you were born! There are a number of factors that influence your career development, including your interests, abilities, values, personality, background, and circumstances. Career Counseling is a process that will help you to know and understand yourself and the world of work in order to make career, educational, and life decisions.

Career development is more than just deciding on a program of study and what job you want to get when you graduate. It really is a lifelong process, meaning that throughout your life you will change, situations will change, and you will continually have to make career and life decisions. Applying for higher education abroad is a critical decision, both financially and emotionally. Therefore, it is mandatory to invest adequate time and effort in order to make the right career decision.

Confused About Your Career ?

We at Martiza overseas education guide you through the maze of questions to find solutions best suited to your profile and parameters ensuring you choose the best Career Path. Martiza overseas education has professional and experienced counselors that provide help to identify the professional goals, enable the student to make a wiser academic decision, and give personal guidance to help choose courses that perfectly fit your career or personal goals. The goal of Martiza overseas education through career counseling is to not only help you make the decisions you need to make now, but also to give you the knowledge and skills you need in order to make future career and life decisions.

Academic Pathway Planning

The world is filled with various career choices ranging from medicine to mass communication, engineering to event management, marine biology to information technology. To select the right career from the various options available today, has become a daunting and challenging process. A large number of students continue to choose a career based merely on the fact that their friends are doing the same thing or because their parents told them to do so. This, however, may not be the best way to go go about it. We at Martiza overseas education understand the dilemma of the students while choosing the pathways for higher education. To cater to such needs Martiza overseas education conducts a vocational guidance program called Academic Pathway

Academic Pathway Planning Involves Assessment In 3 Areas

• Aptitude: We assess different abilities which helps identify fields one will excel in in
• Interest: Helps us identify the kind of activities and work one would like to do
• Personality: It involves multidimensional personality assessment that helps understand who one truly is, one’s character traits, qualities and shortcomings.

Understanding These Internal Factors Is Very Important And Helps At The Following Stages:

• Subject selection
• Curriculum selection
• Stream selection
• Bachelors degree selection
• Masters degree selection
• Career change/shift

General Questions

When is the right time for submitting an application to the Universities?

Every foreign University/College has their intakes during a year. Some have two intakes while others may have three or only one or a rolling intake during the academic year. Majority Institutions in a particular country follow the same intake. Hence, you should initiate steps for admission process at least one year in advance for the respective intake. In some cases, you could begin these steps 3-4 months in advance as well.

What is an application package?

An application package consists of the material required by the University. It consists of Application forms, Application fees, Recommendations, Transcripts and mark sheets, Essays, Financial aid form

What are the entry requirements to be accepted into a course?

Every University has it’s set of eligibility criteria which mostly includes minimum academic requirements, English language and entrance test requirements, relevant work experience etc. Your education counsellor can help you identify relevant programs as per your profile

What if one does not have the minimum entry qualifications?

For Undergraduate Studies If the student does not have formal qualifications, he/she can undertake a Foundation course, which usually lasts one academic year. Many colleges run the Foundation courses, as do many Universities. For Postgraduate Studies Students who do not have a formal degree or relevant work experience, but have satisfied the course tutor that they have a flair for the particular course, may be admitted to a Postgraduate Certificate program. A PG Certificate program usually lasts six months and comprises the first semester of the appropriate master’s degree. On showing good performance in the postgraduate certificate program, one can claim admission to postgraduate diploma and subsequently to a master degree, without any waste of time.

Student has below average grades in high school or college. Will he/she get admission?

Yes, one can get admissions even if he/she has below average grades in academics. There are several good Universities abroad and they understand that students sometimes lose focus and do not concentrate on their studies. They even understand the Indian academic system as they are in close co-ordination with us. These Universities will be ready to give one a second chance.

Can one work while studying overseas?

It depends on the length and type of program you will be attending. Your eligibility to work will be shown on the immigration stamp in your passport. International students are allowed to work for 20 hours per week during term days and full time during holidays. Many institutions have ‘Job shop’ to help students find part-time jobs. Job vacancies are also advertised in newspapers and online. There are also many national and regional employment agencies, run by both government and private organizations, which can advise on the broad range of opportunities available to their client businesses and industries. Most employers will want to see your resume and sometimes; they take an interview before hiring.

What are Sandwich and Foundation programs?

Sandwich programs are made-up of a combination of periods of study and time spent in Industry. The course duration extends to 4-years instead of the usual 3-years, for all bachelors courses. Foundation programs are of a 1-year length and are tailored for students as an alternative route to bridge between their qualification and that, which is required for entry into a degree program at the International University or College.

Can students change their major upon reaching the University?

Yes, certainly. In fact, most undergraduate students change their major at least once during their four-year course of study. Most Universities abroad allow students the flexibility to change their major as they wish.